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Needy Families Receive the Gift of a Thanksgiving Dinner
Fri, Dec 2nd 2016 03:00 pm

Thanksgiving basket committee co-chairs Nancy Doyle and Leslie Haick were joined by Msgr. Paul Burkard and BVS CEO Terese Scofidio in packing and preparing more than 120 Thanksgiving baskets for needy families.
More than 100 local families enjoyed the gift of a Thanksgiving dinner thanks to the combined efforts of staff members of the Our Lady of Victory (OLV) Institutions and Wegmans.
Each family-in-need received a basket that included a turkey donated by Wegmans and traditional Thanksgiving fare provided by dozens of staff members from throughout the OLV Institutions.
"We are happy to provide families something they may not have been able to enjoy had this drive not taken place - the comfort of a traditional Thanksgiving dinner," said Msgr. Paul Burkard, president of the OLV Institutions. "We are grateful to our friends from Wegmans and all of the many staff members who contributed to the important cause of providing for those in need."
In what has become an annual tradition, Msgr. Burkard joined Baker Victory Services' (BVS) chief executive officer Terese Scofidio and BVS staff members to assist with the packing and preparing of the baskets. The bundles were then blessed and distributed to approximately 120 needy families by agency caseworkers, social workers and therapists.
In addition to Wegmans, the drive received a helping hand from Al Gerhart of ECS Warehouse who graciously provided space to store the donated turkeys.
Each year, the members of the Thanksgiving Basket Committee stage various fundraising activities such as bake sales, split clubs and sponsor-a-family activities in support of the drive. All of the organizations under the "OLV umbrella" - BVS, the OLV Homes of Charity and the OLV Parish - contribute in some way, either financially or through volunteer participation.