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OLV Human Services will be offering a new program beginning September 1, 2020 - The Kinship Caregiver Program

OLV Human Services will be offering a new program beginning September 1, 2020 - The Kinship Caregiver Program
-The program will serve caregivers in Erie and Chautauqua Counties, who are raising children that are not biologically their own.
The goal of the program is to enrich and support the lives of kinship guardians, kinship children, and biological parents to help provide stability. This program will endeavor to inform caregivers on how trauma impacts those under their care and it will also aid in stabilizing relationships to ensure youth do not enter the foster care system.
The Kinship Caregiver Program will offer family-driven services to those caregivers with informal kinship arrangements, including temporary / permanent custody. The program will provide family-driven case management to each enrolled family, including monthly home visits, assessment of the family's strengths and needs, referrals to community services, and additional supports depending on the unique dynamics of the kinship arrangement.
Families are eligible for respite services and program staff and peer support specialists (experienced relative caregivers) will be on-call to offer support during times of increased stress. Monthly, kinship caregivers will be invited to participate in group trainings and family engagement activities; the training groups will be facilitated by peer group leaders. While the caregivers are in their support groups and trainings, a separate children's activity will be taking place, providing support and relationship building for the youth.
“OLV Human Services looks forward to collaborating with families, community resources, and professionals to serve the individual needs of all of the families enrolled in this program” said Mary Swygert, Chief Clinical Officer, OLV Human Services. “We recognize that each kinship arrangement brings a unique set of experiences, strengths, and challenges. By maintaining a family-driven approach, we believe this program will fill a void that has existed for kinship caregivers. The heart of this program focuses on kinship placements and helping families to cope with the stressors involved in these unique situations.”