Multiple Diagnosis Program
Our Multiple Diagnosis Program (MDP) serves the needs of boys and girls between the ages of 12 and 18 who have deficits in cognitive or adaptive functioning, along with severe emotional, behavioral, social, developmental, or family problems.
The program is limited to eight children with an IQ between 50 and 80 and variable adaptive functioning, attention deficit and or disruptive behavior disorders, requiring placement outside of their own homes.
Program Highlights
• Licensed through the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS)
• Comprehensive individual treatment plan developed for each resident
• Provides a highly structured, closely supervised, therapeutic environment in residential setting
• Behaviorally focused and individualized care to address unique needs and developmental concerns
• Anticipated that youths in this category are in need of medium to long term placement
• 2:1 staffing for the most security and the best possible treatment potential
• Team approach including residential manager, behavioral health specialists, recreation therapists and others
Service Highlights
• Clinical services including individual and family counseling
• Recreational & social activities, as well as activities of daily living
• Psychiatric and psychological services
• Medical services through Baker Victory nurses and a consulting licensed pediatrician
• Educational services including remedial education, tutorial and summer school programs
• High school equivalency tutoring
• Vocational training programs and work study programs